Friday, April 27, 2012

A Wing and A Prayer

I promised myself when I started this blog that I would be honest and open.  At the time that I made that promise, I thought that the honesty wouldn't really have to be posted until we were actually ON the road, but this week I found myself struggling with some very draining issues.

As you know (or perhaps you don't), Danny and I have said that we would be on the road by September.  I have told friends, family, neighbors, the grocery store clerk, anyone who would listen.  "We plan to head out by September."  It is the only thing that we have planned.  Everything else at this time is sort of "fly by the seat of our pants".

Where will you head?  Hmmm...probably (emphasis on probably) up the east coast to begin with.

How are you going to homeschool the kids?  Well, we're going to a homeschool conference in May.

What kind of RV do you have?  We don't really have one yet.

The questions (without real answers) are endless.  And I always answer them with a smile on my face.  Because no matter how uncertain the circumstances, I know that this is a trip that we are taking.  I know with all of my heart that Danny and I have put countless hours of prayer into this decision.  It is a plan that God placed on our heart years ago and the desire has only grown stronger.  

In all of this, I am reminded of the phrase from the 'cliff' photo that I am so fond of, "When God leads you to a cliff, trust Him fully and let go.  One of two things will happen.  He will either catch you when you fall, or teach you how to fly."  

That's where I am now...trusting in God.  I know that he has lead us to this cliff and I am sorry that I allowed myself to fall into uncertainty.  Everything that we desire for this trip, everything that we want for our children and our family, is built around a faith and trust in God.  It is our deepest desire to bring Him glory.  It is my prayer each night as I lay in bed and I know in my heart that God has brought us to this.

Proverbs 3:5, Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

Mark 9:24,  "LORD I believe, help my unbelief."

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